Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-8PM. Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM. Public Holidays: 9AM-5PM. Christmas Day & New Years Day: CLOSED

Donn Ongpico

Donn Ongpico

Pet Care Assistant

Donn is a proud native of Silang in the Philippines and is one of GVC’s awesome Housekeeping & Pet Care team! With previous experience within several roles and industries, Donn brings plenty of valuable customer service skills, a wonderful work ethic, and an always positive attitude with him.
Donn had been studying for a Degree in Dental Medicine in the Philippines until, sadly, the massive and unforeseen impacts of Covid-19 derailed his plans… however, Donn’s dedication to learning is evident, and his natural affinity to patient care and the clinical environment helped make him a great fit for GVC. Outside of work, Donn enjoys playing video games, playing the piano, and cooking!
Donn loves animals and has two dogs, a Husky named Bolt and an Aspin named Bruno, and he’s embracing the opportunity to learn more about our fantastic feline friends!